Support & Wellbeing
How we help
We are passionate about helping young people overcome the barriers preventing them from reaching their potential and aim to support them in the most holistic way we can.
We offer a range of support services across our sites and also provide support services in partnership with other organisations.
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Our approach

Find our pocket guide for young people needing help here.
Find our pocket guide for emergency relief services here.
Please click here to see a non-exhaustive list of mental health services for young people.
Located on Benara Road in Beechboro, directly across the car park from Altone Leisure Centre and next to the Skate Park. AYS supports at-risk young people from the suburbs of Beechboro, Lockridge, Bennett Springs, Caversham, Eden Hill, Kiara, and Morley.
Drop In Centre
Young people aged 11-25 (with a
focus on 11-18 years) are invited to drop in to play pool, Xbox, PS3,
Wii, listen to music, grab a feed, talk to a Youth Worker or just hang
out! We also have online computers and a black light cinema room.
Open Times
School Term: Tuesday & Wednesday 3pm to 5pm
School Holidays: Tuesday to Thursday 11am to 2pm
Other Services On Offer
people aged 11-25 are also able to access informal counselling,
practical support, advocacy, case management and referrals to additional
Life Skills Programs
the year AYC run programs including Sexual Health and Healthy
Relationships, Martial Arts and mindfulness and cultural awareness
For further information on any of the programs call the office on 08 9377 4022.
For young people experiencing financial stress our Emergency Relief program offers essential items. We deliver this service from three locations;
Supported by Lotterywest, individuals aged 15-24 are able to access hampers that include food, toiletries and SmartRiders. Emergency Relief can be accessed up to three times every 12 months.
How to access:
Call us on 9300 2677 (Mon-Fri 9 am – 4 pm) to make an appointment. Appointments are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1 pm and 2.30 pm.
Suite 1, Joondalup Lotteries House, 70 Davidson Tce Joondalup.
For individuals aged 15-25 Emergency Relief can be accessed at Youth
Place in Fremantle up to three times every 12 months. Assistance is
provided in the form of supermarket vouchers and SmartRiders.
How to access:
Call us on 08 6372 4800 (Mon-Fri 9 am – 4 pm) to make an appointment.
Confirmed on appointment booking.
Supported by Lotterywest, individuals aged 15-24 living in the City of Swan can be access Emergency Relief in the form of food and toiletry hampers from Swan City Youth Service.
How to access:
Call 08 9274 3488 between 10 am and 7 pm Monday to Friday to arrange an appointment.
12 Padbury Terrace, Midland
Please click here to see a non-exhaustive list of alternative emergency relief agencies for young people.
Youth Futures is proud to be part of the Welcome Hub, an initiative lead by the City of Stirling and in partnership with three other organisations: Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia (MSCWA ), Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services, and Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS).
The Welcome Hub is an integrated service model with a one-stop settlement shop based at the Stirling Leisure Centres - Herb Graham Recreation Centre - Mirrabooka.
We have a dedicated Youth Support and Development Worker providing a Youth Settlement Service supporting young refugees aged 12-25 who have immigrated to Australia in the past 5 years.
This service aims to help newly arrived young people improve their wellbeing, independence and community connectedness; the program offers one-on-one intensive support, information sessions and recreational activities like art workshops, sport and camps.
If you would like to find out more about planned activities or the support on offer call 08 92057335 between 9 am - 4 pm Tuesday-Friday.
At Youth Futures we adopt a harm minimisation and reduction approach to drug education and support.
Our Drug Education and Support Service offers TINOCA and TAP clients the opportunity to participate in both one-on-one counselling and group sessions that will help them address their alcohol and/or drug misuse.
Our Youth Needs Assessment Service (YNAS) provides mental health
support to existing Youth Futures clients. A team of Psychologists and Clinical
Psychologists ensure that young people are able to access support in a
timely manner and in an environment they are already comfortable in.
Shorter waiting periods reduce the risk of a young person’s mental
health deteriorating further whilst they wait for support and having the
service in-house increases the young persons willingness to engage in
the service.
A driver's licence can open doors to education, training and employment. Our Keys 2 Employment program is run in partnership with Balga Senior High School and helps young people successfully navigate the licencing system, including the completion of their logbook.
Without this support many young people may struggle to get their licence due to financial difficulties or the lack of a responsible adult to teach them.
The YESS program sees a dedicated Aboriginal Engagement Officer
working with local communities to identify young people who have fallen
through the gaps.
The worker provides Aboriginal young people
who are willing to engage in education, with the support they need to
connect to programs such as Anchor Point or Youth Futures Community School. Once enrolled the
Aboriginal Engagement Officer assists students to explore their cultural
identity and when needed advocates on their behalf.
Can be emailed via the Contact Us form or by calling 08 9300 2677 Mon-Fri 9 am to 4 pm.